Dama 19 - error variations

“Error variations”  

Short synopsis: 

"Error variations" workshop focuses on error philosophy in technological theatre. Technological theatre defines relationships between physical action, dramaturgical structure and technology through the exploration of inner rhythms of machine (in its widest meaning). Machine with its technical characteristics and anatomy is a base of performance structure, treated as a subject not any more as an object. Course will explore possibilities to evoke (technical) errors and use them as a creative source for performance process. It assumes resignation of dominating antropocentristic position which projects to technology fixed expectations. Fixed single function has been attached to most of technological devices used in everyday life. Operation with any other (non-purposed) functions will automatically create platform for error-occurrence.


Course description:

Art and design, performing arts and new media students are going to enter into the space of error, where they will be left behind by support of industrial engineering and mathematically calculated guarantee. Students are going to create new ways of communication with technology (in its widest meaning), assigning dominating role to error. In this workshop error as a technical phenomena will meet error as a cultural prejudice. 


Every day there will be a bit different approach around the main topic and students will work in groups in this common creative process guided by several lecturers and artists.

The course is aimed at starting from 2nd year students and can go on till post-graduate level. 


-To create collectively error-productive environment.

-To explore borderlines around cognitive comfort area.

-The ability to re-interpret esthetically annoying/irritating material into something catchy/unique.

-The ability to witness everyday situations via error/noise prism.

-Work (every day in a different group) in collaboration with others towards demo/sketch and not towards certain outcome oriented process.

-To embrace the noise


-Group work variations

-Performative acts

-Work in progress showings

-Feedback circles


-Road trip / off the map

-Day off

-Self-organizing systems


-and many more.



Human, Machine, Stage, Choreography, Performance, Audio-visual creation combinations, Creative collective processes.


Time: 23rd  - 29th  November 2015 (23rd = starting around 12:00 & 29 th  = traveling day)

Place: University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, Posti 1, Viljandi, Estonia 

Target group: Art and design, performing arts and new media students starting from 2nd year and onwards.  

Daily schedule:  ~10:00 - 18:00 (+expanded onwards possibilities)

Classes include lectures + group work sessions.

We can accept 10 participants from partner universities.

Pre-course task:

Audio/visual/text/movement/etc presentation: How one deals with (certain) error in everyday life. How to value and embrace chaos in a specific situation. 

(Approximately 5-10 minutes)

Application procedure:

Students should send a short letter of motivation / a small portfolio of few selected works and CV to henri.hytt@artun.ee


12 October 2015

Accommodation options:

Just Rest Hostel http://www.justrest.eu/

Endla Hotel http://www.reinup.ee/en/hotel/

Centrum Hotel http://new.centrum.ee/en/

Credit points:

3ects – including contact hours, preparation and report.


Please bring with you:

Recording devices and clothes to move in.

More information:

(For selected students) From 10th  November 2015




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